Now let's be fair, I'm only human. Who wouldn't be intrigued and maybe a little turned on by a random dude called Roberto proposing marriage through email? I mean, it's what every little girl dreams of right? A relationship that started with the phrase 'I'm contacting you for dating purposes' through an email sent to multiple hotmail account holders. It's what fairytales are made of.
So, I'd be a fool to not find out more right? Right.
Here are some choice quotes from Roberto's website (seemingly specifically set up in order to catch himself a hot little piece of tail):
"I'm not a present physically but well,
it depends what you look for in a couple's
relationship, it really costs me nothing to
send you a letter :) absolutely nothing ..."
Although Roberto is not present physically, let's kick this whole thing off in style shall we? Cost-free style that is. Roberto, I'm taking the bait...
"Well, i've never really worked till today,
because i had the oportunity to be
supported for a long time by my parents
who are living in a detached house actually.
They've lent me their old apartment. I've
never got to work because there wasn't
any good reason in my life to do it."
Ok. So you're telling me you're a bum who scrounges off his parents? Roberto, if you think that's going to put me off then you obviously haven't been delving deep enough into my dating cupboard. In my books, that makes you a catch! I like a man who can scrounge off his parents rather than me.
"i've wasted a lot of time thinking about music, spending nights with receptionists who are frends, in a local hôtel in paris."
A night spent with a receptionist friend is NEVER a night wasted. That's simple science and we all know it. I spend a lot of time thinking about sitcoms and toilet cubicle etiquette. It's like we're meant to be!
"I was absorbed by music composition, knowing that i was avoiding a normal life with a woman i could have loved. But my family's big here, so i will always find a place in any administration, or i can always find a place in a
warehouse to package anything.
I don't worry about it, i can get that
right away, if i see that we both
can make a life together."
Ok, thank God. If we make a life together you haven't forgotten the practicalities of holy matrimony. You could find a place in a warehouse to package anything. THAT is a load off of my mind. I was wondering how you were intending to support me and the children.
[He then goes on for a really really long time about composing music and why he didn't want to become an accountant].
Roberto, you don't need to explain this shit to me. Firstly, I wouldn't want to become an accountant either, and secondly, we're getting married! As if I don't understand the way my future hubbie's mind ticks! Come on now! But wait...
"Do you understand that, in france, you wouldn't have the same qualifications, your studies in your country wouldn't help you to get the same job ? I'm not worried in seeing you work if we start to live together you're interested in mebut, we can think about it in time. maybe a year after, but if we see that, we can live with the little money i'll make out of that first job, then you could eventually stay at home. It will depend of our situation.
So am I getting to stay at home and eat Pringles all day or not? This could be a deal breaker...
I wanted to find my future bride abroad because women of western europe are toomaterialist, superficial and conformist in general. And i love the way some foreign
languages sound, even if i don't understand
a word, i'm interested in the differences of
my future partner.Do you think now is the right time for me to mention that I'm of Western European extraction? Probably best wait to till after the ceremony. I don't want to let my little Robsie down. Maybe I'll just talk gobbledygook for a few months and pretend to teach it to him but just incrementally increase the number of English words I'm using until he thinks he's become fluent in Sazzlish. (He obviously has a sound enough grasp of the English language for this to work).
I will be pleased
to kiss your neck and hands and other
parts during our intimate moments of life
while listening to you tell me words
in your native language. I will find that
cute, because my own languages bores
me :)
That means he wants me to talk dirty while we're fucking right?
I would also like to kiss, love,
Riiiight... Well, I did just say that it's fine you really don't have to keep going...That means he wants me to talk dirty while we're fucking right?
I would also like to kiss, love,
caress your feet, all my life long .. .
In fact i don't consider myself as a
fetishist. i'm just a nice guy.
Oooooh-kay. Cos I don't remember saying I thought that was a fetish. No-one even breathed the word fetish. You're awfully defensive there Roberto. I mean, I know you're just a nice guy. A nice guy that likes to kiss, love, and caress feet all your life long. To be fair, my feet are quite nice. I ain't judging hunnybunch.
If other
Oooooh-kay. Cos I don't remember saying I thought that was a fetish. No-one even breathed the word fetish. You're awfully defensive there Roberto. I mean, I know you're just a nice guy. A nice guy that likes to kiss, love, and caress feet all your life long. To be fair, my feet are quite nice. I ain't judging hunnybunch.
If other
people consider that as fetishism, then
they take it like something pointless
even useless .. . they're like other idiots
who keep trying to categorize simple acts
of life, for modern literature or the medias.
Those guys would rather seek holes in
a woman's body, treat them like a piece
of meat all their lives.
I just love women's
feet, you should know, that if they
don't smell exciting to you, their effect
is totally different on me. That's just because
your feet contain hormones they excite
me, you couldn't get excited by your oun
hormones .. . I find it beautiful to take care of
a woman's feet when you're deeply involved in
a relationship. It's one of the things i wouldn't
like you to refuse me :)
...on about it. Hmm. You know before when you said it wasn't a fetish Roberto? Yeah. Well, just to let you know, even though I said I wouldn't judge, I am starting to judge a little bit now. I think we should be open and honest with one another if this is going to work.
Do you think you
Roberto. That isn't what I meant about open and honest communication. I'm starting to think this whole thing has been a set-up just to get a freaking picture of my freaking feet you sick fuck.
i want you
you also
...on about it. Hmm. You know before when you said it wasn't a fetish Roberto? Yeah. Well, just to let you know, even though I said I wouldn't judge, I am starting to judge a little bit now. I think we should be open and honest with one another if this is going to work.
Do you think you
can send me a close-up picture of your
feet ? please try to send that, and if you
don't have one, try to make it for me angel,
that would be very nice :)
Roberto. That isn't what I meant about open and honest communication. I'm starting to think this whole thing has been a set-up just to get a freaking picture of my freaking feet you sick fuck.
i want you
to answer me frankly. Do you feel
psychologically ready to live in couple
and conceive a family with a man
abroad ? You have to feel ready for
that because i am not looking for
internet love or school girls or basic
frendship. I am tired of vanity in life
and don't want to spoil my lifetime
uselessly anymore .. .
Don't change the subject and make out like you're serious about us Roberto! You know damn well this was never about internet love or school girls or basic frendship for me. This was always the real deal as far as I was concerned. Tell me Roberto, are you psychologically ready to conceive a family? Because I also am tired of vanity in life and don't want to spoil my time uselessly anymore (wait though... I still get to watch downloaded episodes of Perfect Strangers don't I? And spend Saturday mornings waking up to The Golden Girls on Living? You don't think that's useless time do you?)
Life has no
you have to
Well if you're supporting me AND the name of out love then I guess it does seem fair.Don't change the subject and make out like you're serious about us Roberto! You know damn well this was never about internet love or school girls or basic frendship for me. This was always the real deal as far as I was concerned. Tell me Roberto, are you psychologically ready to conceive a family? Because I also am tired of vanity in life and don't want to spoil my time uselessly anymore (wait though... I still get to watch downloaded episodes of Perfect Strangers don't I? And spend Saturday mornings waking up to The Golden Girls on Living? You don't think that's useless time do you?)
Life has no
secrets for anyone, if you show
antipathy and negativity, you
will always get the same in return,
and if you show affection and human
grace, you might as well be loved in
return. We can learn and we have all
life to know each other if your intentions
of a family's life are good. You won't ever
be able to pretend to love me because
you have experienced life with me and
know the name of my parents or jacket.
love has no contract, love is frée.
People who are able to love have
their hearts fulfilled with love.
Love has different steps but
if you have a lovely heart, you
will open it to me without any
deals of any nature. In that case,
if you really want to experience life like
me, more than ever, what we should
do is join ourselves
That doesn't really answer the questions about Perfect Strangers and The Golden Girls but you seem easily distracted and artistic. Which is all I'm really looking for in a soul mate. Ok. I'm in. Let's do this!
That doesn't really answer the questions about Perfect Strangers and The Golden Girls but you seem easily distracted and artistic. Which is all I'm really looking for in a soul mate. Ok. I'm in. Let's do this!
you have to
make your oun efforts and also pay
your trip, i wouldn't do it because
in life, you give and take.
Err... foot fetishist says what now? I have to pay my own fucking way to come see YOU even though you're the one that wants me in his life? Fuck that shit.
i'll be
Err... foot fetishist says what now? I have to pay my own fucking way to come see YOU even though you're the one that wants me in his life? Fuck that shit.
i'll be
the one supporting you all my life,
and in the name of our love.
you also
have to understand that your qualifications
or studies of any kind won't ever be
useful abroad, but if you do or do
not have a job here, it's not a real
problem, you can be my homebody
and wife, a lot of women like to
stay at home, it's a privilege.
We may need to check what you think the word 'privilege' means. If you mean Perfect Strangers/Golden Girls marathons then yes. You are correct sir. Be warned though Roberto: I can watch the shit out of them shows. For real.
Knowing that the
We may need to check what you think the word 'privilege' means. If you mean Perfect Strangers/Golden Girls marathons then yes. You are correct sir. Be warned though Roberto: I can watch the shit out of them shows. For real.
Knowing that the
immigration services are always
annoying, i will fertilize you as
soon as we'll be together which
will force the authorities to grant
you a right of residence.
We could go back to
Maybe I can think about it for a couple days? Is that ok? Because, the only thing is, I wasn't planning on getting pregnant or leaving my family behind only to see them once every two years. At least, not this week. Not even for you Roberto. I'll look up Stagecoach times to Paris though, just in case I change my mind.
there is nothing wrong with it
as long as we both want it in our
We could go back to
your country once every two
years to see your familly for holidays
which is natùral.
ONCE every two years?! You're not part of a cult are you Roberto? Am I still allowed to speak to them occasionally? Let's say... once a year or so?
If you're really
Tell me what ONCE every two years?! You're not part of a cult are you Roberto? Am I still allowed to speak to them occasionally? Let's say... once a year or so?
If you're really
ready to live your life with a guy
like me, i should advise you to
take a stagecoach in direction
to Paris. Because planes are
dear expensive.
Artistic yet practical. A difficult combination to find in any man, least of all a man who's willing to marry me.
Artistic yet practical. A difficult combination to find in any man, least of all a man who's willing to marry me.
you think, and if you're interested
and when would you like to join
me here. Warm kisses to your
lovely hands, chest, navel, nose,
ears, forehead and pretty lovely
little toes XoXoX
With respect and
a real deep affection.
Maybe I can think about it for a couple days? Is that ok? Because, the only thing is, I wasn't planning on getting pregnant or leaving my family behind only to see them once every two years. At least, not this week. Not even for you Roberto. I'll look up Stagecoach times to Paris though, just in case I change my mind.
Oh god. This just had me crying with laughter. Why does his jacket have a name?? Your encounters with all these weirdies make me so happy :oD
Gosh, this guy seems a smooth operator. I mean who wouldn’t be enchanted by his great command of words. Have you booked your Stagecoach ticket yet, just in case?
Chloe - I've ordered my own monogrammed jacket to match my future husbands as *I* think it looks cool and sophisticated.
Paddy (I'm calling you Paddy from now on by the way) - I haven't *quite* got round to ordering those tickets yet but let's see how badly my weekend goes as to whether I decide I need to run off and start life afresh with a french foot fetishist.
Have just been reprimanded for laughing that bit too loud at work but this is pure comedy gold.
Matt - I'm glad some joy can be wrought out of the tragedy that calls itself 'Sazz's life'
I'm just liking the way that the more you have a job, the more time you find to post.
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