Wednesday 18 August 2010

Oh hi!

Didn't see you there. Didn't see you there for months and months in fact! How the devil have you been? Quite bloggy? You look like you've been quite bloggy. Oh my hair? Yeah I had it and coloured red. Thanks, I like it much better too. I always felt like a bit of a fraud with the blond truth be told. And also my hair started falling out so I was trailing around after myself picking up clumps of stringy blond hair from the floor which is not as fun as it sounds really. Although my great uncle said 'gentlemen prefer blondes' when no-one had even asked his fucking opinion but what would fuel my rage blackouts if not careless insensitive unwanted comments from family members? Yeah, I know right? And without rage blackouts I'm basically nothing. I mean, you get it so.

Speaking of insenstive careless commenting family members have you seen 'Grandma's House'? Right! Sooo funny. My mum freaking loves it but is now pretty perplexed as to why I haven't written and had a sitcom commissioned as I 'clearly have much more material to work from'. Can't really argue with her on that one.

Oh and did you know that Dave +1 is called Dave ja vu? I'm basically telling as many people as I can as I think it's the greatest/worst thing ever. Also I'm not sure why it took until yesterday when I was idly channel surfing and landed on an old QI that I found out. Why isn't that being written by planes in the sky and where are all the billboards announcing it you know? Yeah, exactly. Shit like this is WAY importante.

Anyway, must dash. Mwah mwah.

1 comment:

Paddington's Shadow said...

Glad you're back. Was wondering if you'd ever come back to the cafeteria.

Not heard of Grandma's house, what's that?