Thursday 9 June 2011

Parenting Guru

Her: Ben's snoring! Wudnt sleep in his own bed, is it me? Do I attract snorers?
Me: Clearly! Or all awesome people have a snoring weakness?
Her: Well I dont. Well not to that extreme. Hes giving u a run for ur money. Surely 6 is a bit young to b snoring?
Me: I think its ok? Maybe blocked sinus? Maybe you're too light at sleeping?
Her: Lol, I cant even begin to sleep
Me: Is he on his back or front?
Her: Back. He was starshaped so I had no room either. If I move him he goes straight on his back again. It is really loud and constant!
Me: He needs flipping over. Dont worry, he's a tired kid. He'll fall straight back to sleep again. Works on Tia all the time (children and dogs are basically the same yes?)
Her: Hahaha, ill try flippin him,hahahaha. fingers crossed.
Me: Lemme know how it goes!
Her: Hes flipped but went wrong way, now dangerously close to the edge of the bed. He's stopped tho, gona try go to sleep quick :) nite

I should start charging for this advice shizz.

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