Thursday 28 July 2011

Alphabetty Spaghetti

The Objective: Name, in sequence and in turn, a book title that begins with each letter of the alphabet.

The Contestants: Two, self-confessed, book nerds.

The Results: Poor.

Him: um... J... Is Jumanji a book? That's literally the only word I can think of that begins with J.
Me: No!! [Note: I was wrong]
Him: I don't know then.
Me: I've got one. JURASSIC PARK [Note: Whenever anyone asks me of movies that I'd recommend watching my mind oftentimes goes blank and all I can think of is Jurassic Park]
Him: Ok, Jurassic Park.

Him: Why are you laughing?
Me: I have thought of one for Q already.
Him: Go on then
Me: Question of Sport Annual 1998
Him: [Laughing] Fine. R. Rude Dog and the Dweebs Annual 1997.
Me. S. Sabrina the Teenage Witch Annual 2004.
Him: We can't keep just naming annuals as books. We've read actual books!
Me: I know. But I can't remember any books. I don't think I could name any books I've ever read ever at the moment.
Him: To be fair all I can think of is Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Annual 1996 for 'T'.


Jackson Davies said...

I knew Jumanji was a book. Well, I didn't, but I will take the win anyway.
I've spent all of today reading through your Blog archives by the way, cos I'm a massive stalker. Just so you know.

sazzalish said...

I already knew you were/are a massive stalker.

And look you solved my comment box issues*. My hero!

*not a euphemism readers.