Friday, 9 September 2011

Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Wood, Playdoh

I love the Daily Mail (and by 'love' I mean 'hate with the fire of a thousand suns') but I'm starting to think pretty much everyone is hate-reading it (online at least). The comments for stories like this are uniformly hiwarwious. This is my favourite:

Although the worst thing is that I read that article and then spent FAR too long trying to figure out which face I have. Do I have 'long flat eyebrows'? ('Well, they're sort of flat against your face? What would a non-flat eyebrow look like? Bushy? Wiggly? WHAT?!!') Do I have 'large radiant eyes'? ('Well, they're eye-ish... how do we judge if they're radiant? Is it a synonym for shiny? Should I compare them to my dogs eyes since their dog food adverts are always going on about making their eyes shiny??') Do I have 'thin expressive eyebrows' ('I don't even know if they're flat let alone expressive!! HOW AM I TO JUDGE???').

Then I remembered my face is actually made from playdoh and went back to thinking about pug puppies.

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