Friday, 8 June 2012


Here’s what I’m saying— go ahead and screw things up. You’re young— you’re supposed to do that for a while. Rebel. Write bad poetry. Listen to bad music and roll your eyes at the adults. Be concerned with things that don’t matter. Because when you get to be my age—23 years old and not 42 no matter what my stupid Wikipedia page says—you’ll realize how valuable all of your mistakes were in making you the person you’ll end up being.
--- Patton Oswalt
If I had that DeLorean this is exactly the advice I would tell my gawky, weird(er), shy self. I think everyone should aim to make as many mistakes as possible by the time they're 20. They then have five years to carry on making those same mistakes but should work to understand why those choices, those men(/women) you waste your hours mooning away over, that dumb shit you pull, is a mistake. Then comes the harder bit of actually making good choices, not letting your past rule you - working through the hurt you've suffered and caused. Figuring out what works for you and what doesn't. And whilst doing all this reading the books, absorbing the culture, studying the subjects that interest you - not just the ones you think will end up being useful. Then you might have a chance at becoming the sort of person that's decent and kind and interesting and interested. 

At least, that is the plan...

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