If the majority of women hate the way their body looks can we all not just decide to nod sagely at one another and agree that we look fine? Like, not perfect maybe but good enough all the same? Can we not just do that starting now and make everything easier on ourselves forever and ever amen?
If you are you skinny don't make other people feel bad about their bodies.
If you are curvy don't make other people feel bad about their bodies.
If you are tall don't make other people feel bad about their bodies.
If you have big boobs don't make other people feel bad about their bodies.
Et cetera, etc. AND SO FORTH AND SO ON. Whatever verb you might use to describe your body don't then turn around and use that to make someone else feel that they aren't as good as you for not sharing that verb. Just accept the person in front of you for whom they are. And then, when you've done that (as I think it's probably the easiest first step), turn around and look in the mirror and accept your body for the way it is. Whatever verbs you, or others, might apply to it. It's fine. Really. It's good enough. HONESTLY.
Just accept that this is my body, it's my right to choose how it looks, if I want to change the way it looks I will but not due to anyone else making me feel bad about the way it looks. Everyone else's body is theirs to do with as they please also. It's not up to you to decide how it should look. If they decide they want it to look different that is up to them. Let's all share the same rights on that score. No one is too skinny, no one is too fat. Everyone is fine. Mind your own business and concentrate on loving and accepting yourself.
My personal ethos is that as long as I can fit into Topshop dresses I don't need to worry how many pounds overweight I am. I can accept that BMI probably has a general correlation to fitness/healthiness but that is pretty much as far as it goes (and even using the word 'general' might be over stating it). Above and beyond that I don't sweat it. If most everyone else is walking around thinking their thighs are too fat, their ankles are too thin, or whatever whatever whatever then why should I waste that energy as well thinking about my tubby belly? I want to use that energy on more constructive things. Like, thinking or doing absolutely anything else in the whole entire universe.
I wish this is what we were told: Try and get regular exercise that you enjoy more than once a week (but if life takes over don't beat yourself up about it), eat foods that taste good and are good for you and not too much of them all at once (but if you eat foods that are bad for you every now and again and/or a lot of food in one sitting occasionally then that's fine too). Do this because it means you're being kind to yourself. Your body deserves to be moved around and get the best fuel it can because you're worth being kind to. Be kind to yourself more. You're great just the way you are. And so is everyone else. Be kind to everyone else too.
Hello. I hope 2018 is treating you reasonably well so far. You may have
noticed that there was no blog post for the last few podcasts. That was due
to ongo...
7 years ago
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